Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Inundate: to overwhelm as if with a flood; to cover with water, particularly floodwaters, emotion or visual inspiration

It is spring and that means change. Even the grass and trees are dressing up. Sidewalk tables appear at favorite Chicago establisments where you can now enjoy the casual company of a butterfly with your cafe au lait. In fact, I'm enjoying the brick walls and toasted maple floors inside Floriole, while being graced by the sun and breeze. It's a magnificent invention, those sliding glass doors.

It can be overwhelming, this deluge of life, as people and greens come out from hiding and into a very confusing combination of 80 to 40 to 60 degree weather. We're all in though. Everyone and everything is participating, except for winter coats and folded wool sweaters. We seem to be fully submerged in spring.

Making seasonal debuts are; white, green, coral and blue.

One of the best parts of letting seasonal change inspire, is making interior changes in step with mother nature. You may have seen my bedding here before, but it was time for something new. Light weight cotton linen and new 100% egyptian cotton sateen sheets. The duvet isn't new though, it was actually the first item that ever inspired me to redecorate. It's timeless and feels like home. In my book, a good bit of bedding is as classic as a good pair of shoes.

This week has been a surge of visual inspiration and emotion. I am thankful for both, and hopeful for this upcoming season.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Affection, desire, warmth, tenderness? These are the words I've found used for the definition of love. Maybe they describe characteristics of it, but they don't define it. I'm leaving this one blank for now.

This week's realization: I love other people's love. Furthermore, I enjoy making a public show of it. Nothing crazy, I just like weddings. They appeal to my visionary side. Yes, there is much DIY to be done and pretty things to be made. I couldn't even begin to sort through all of the wonderful ideas on Pinterest.

Like my unsettled thoughts about the definition of love though, I am similarly unsettled by our vision of weddings. This is not the place to discuss the reason for, or how they should be viewed, (I know a lot of brilliant people who could explain that much better than I could) rather their expression, their grandeur, and their beauty.

Wedding: the joining of two seperate elements. I like this one. It tells me I have to discover who the individuals are apart and together. It's the event, the one moment in which the joining occurs. Two become one. In a way, golf, wine, and introvert become rollerblades, scotch, and extrovert and vice versa. There are much deeper elements, but these are the ones we generally use to aesthetically describe the two parties of a wedding and who we suspect they will be together. If I continue to plan these things I hope to learn new ways to visually communicate history, pain, joy, fun, interest, experience, family, and hope. The transition from the individual to the union.

There is no greater challenge, which stirs my heart, than creating a visual and experiential element to something that has already been beautifully created. Sometimes it's music, sometimes it's furnishings and textiles, but in a wedding it's people. All of these are often created from, in or with love. People, maybe a more true love, with a better definition.

Sometimes it is about pretty things and you just have to go with your gut :) Here is a taste of the color inspiration for my next wedding planning endeavor. I love navy, ivory and gold for them.

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 From snippet and ink

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